Calculated Steps

Just this last spring, Harvard Business Review published an article titled “Leading an Exhausted Workforce”. I absolutely loved this article. I loved that the author so blatantly calls out that we are still – yes still – exhausted. It’s what I see. It’s what I hear. On a regular basis. The acknowledgement and validation of… Continue reading Calculated Steps

Building Bridges

In my 20s, I was told by multiple mentors never to “burn a bridge” at work. Even when you wanted to – even though it might be justified – and even when it would never be crossed again. Avoid burning them, at all cost. The inner me rebelled at this a bit. My ego has… Continue reading Building Bridges

My Story

I was raised by two loving, self-proclaimed workaholics. My parents ran their own business when I was young and they worked absolutely crazy hours. I was an only child, so I was alone. A lot. This frame of reference growing up was unique. Witnessing my parents build and run a successful business provided me a… Continue reading My Story

Grit & Gratitude – Fostering Resilient Leadership

When we work at a fast pace and run hard all day, it can be difficult to be really present. It can be even harder to find and extend out those moments of joy or celebration – to really pause and hold ourselves there. We get lost in our fields of busy. Work. Kids. Fur… Continue reading Grit & Gratitude – Fostering Resilient Leadership

Powerful Work Cultures: Connection, Creativity & Trust

The best teams I’ve been part of always had two traits: 1) the team members were highly connected with each other and 2) they were wildly open – due to the trust and goodwill deeply embedded in the team. Working on these teams was a gift. The work was fun, good humor abounded, and the… Continue reading Powerful Work Cultures: Connection, Creativity & Trust


Reduce Stress.      Drive Outcomes. Building Strong, Resilient Teams that Drive Results.           Creating Business Impact that Shapes Our World. -Woodrie Burich Founder & Award Winning Executive Coach WE WORK WITH CLIENTS TO WHY US We’ve worked with Fortune 500 and global clientele on multi-million dollar projects and multi-billion-dollar merger… Continue reading Home

Listening and Learning

Collectively, we have been through much the past few months. These past few weeks have been particularly heartbreaking, challenging, and difficult to witness. The causes and reflection of our collective pain is rising, especially pain experienced by people of color. I’ve been reflecting lately on trauma. Individual and collective. Mine. Hers. His. Ours. Anyone who… Continue reading Listening and Learning

How to Work in Unstable Times

We are in a moment of unknown. This applies to our immediate families, close communities, the wider community, our neighbors and world. It can be difficult to focus and stay steady at such times.  Our minds may be racing with scattered thoughts, concerns and fears, or we may feel frustration or annoyance at the unexpected… Continue reading How to Work in Unstable Times

Don’t Be Rushed

It can be challenging at times – juggling work and life. Our Team met over coffee and tea last week at Steam Dot and we laughed about our own challenges in cultivating balance. We discussed our efforts and how we connect to full and meaningful use our time. The Integration Group brainstorms often on how to better… Continue reading Don’t Be Rushed

Resilience at Work Reminders for Good Management (and Parenting)

The front of my refrigerator is a well-loved canvas. Crayon colored pictures cover nearly every bit of silver to be found – no doubt, a common scene for parents everywhere. However, in the upper left-hand corner, it holds a drawing of my own. It’s a simple picture of a house, family, and two words written… Continue reading Resilience at Work Reminders for Good Management (and Parenting)