Calculated Steps

Just this last spring, Harvard Business Review published an article titled “Leading an Exhausted Workforce”. I absolutely loved this article. I loved that the author so blatantly calls out that we are still – yes still – exhausted. It’s what I see. It’s what I hear. On a regular basis. The acknowledgement and validation of… Continue reading Calculated Steps

Building Bridges

In my 20s, I was told by multiple mentors never to “burn a bridge” at work. Even when you wanted to – even though it might be justified – and even when it would never be crossed again. Avoid burning them, at all cost. The inner me rebelled at this a bit. My ego has… Continue reading Building Bridges

My Story

I was raised by two loving, self-proclaimed workaholics. My parents ran their own business when I was young and they worked absolutely crazy hours. I was an only child, so I was alone. A lot. This frame of reference growing up was unique. Witnessing my parents build and run a successful business provided me a… Continue reading My Story

A Call for Rest: “The Exhale” at Work

Olympic athletes rest – and they value it. They know rest is required in order to perform at peak levels. It’s not a luxury. Not a nice to have. It’s a necessity. Our bodies and our minds were designed to ebb and flow. The inhale is tied to the exhale. The out breath always follows… Continue reading A Call for Rest: “The Exhale” at Work

Mindset: Effort vs Ease Part II

Effort & Ease both require commitment and discipline. Over the years, I’ve learned that Ease grants me access to valuable resources – resources that Effort and action simply cannot provide. Ironically, it can require great Effort to step into Ease. Why is that? For me, Effort is comforting. It feels like I’m in control. Ease… Continue reading Mindset: Effort vs Ease Part II

Mindset: Effort vs Ease Part I

I’ve set many goals in the past that I’ve reached. And I’ve set many goals that I seem to continuously reset year after year. What makes the difference between the two? For me, it has to do with Mindset and the interplay of two key qualities: Effort & Ease. Over the years, I’ve found that… Continue reading Mindset: Effort vs Ease Part I

10 Lessons in 10 Years

We turn 10 this month – and it feels great. Our clients are amazing, we are expanding and branching out rapidly, and the work is creative, fun and exciting. It hasn’t always felt this way though. Sometimes the journey has felt daunting, overwhelming and just plain tough. Life is a bit like this I think… Continue reading 10 Lessons in 10 Years

Find Your Work Voice – What’s Your Style?

We all get trapped and tripped up with communication. It happens. The question is – how often does it happen, and what can we do about it? The answer to that question is based on our own personal Self-Awareness and desire to build Communication Skills around it. Communication at work can be broken into a… Continue reading Find Your Work Voice – What’s Your Style?

Drop the Busy & Let the Sun In

It’s spring, and the Alaskan ground has been slowly thawing itself. I feel that way myself too – finally the warmth of the sun has reached my core. Our work worlds need more of this. This thawing, and the deep rejuvenation of a warm, spring sun. Working with clients in stress management over the past… Continue reading Drop the Busy & Let the Sun In

Powerful Work Cultures: Connection, Creativity & Trust

The best teams I’ve been part of always had two traits: 1) the team members were highly connected with each other and 2) they were wildly open – due to the trust and goodwill deeply embedded in the team. Working on these teams was a gift. The work was fun, good humor abounded, and the… Continue reading Powerful Work Cultures: Connection, Creativity & Trust