Drop the Busy & Let the Sun In

It’s spring, and the Alaskan ground has been slowly thawing itself. I feel that way myself too – finally the warmth of the sun has reached my core. Our work worlds need more of this. This thawing, and the deep rejuvenation of a warm, spring sun.

Working with clients in stress management over the past ten years, I’ve realized that most of us ignore “our sun” until our work-day is done. We wait until Friday for an “Unwind”. We hold back from possible moment-to-moment joys, because we are simply too busy to do otherwise. As a result, we compartmentalize ourselves and become cut off. Cut-off from ourselves. Cut-off from our needs. Cut-off from our connection with others. This being “cut-off” impacts our work and directly impacts business outcomes.

If you ask what’s needed to succeed in business – a variety of answers will arise. Top of the list often includes strong decision making skills, strategy, leadership, innovation – all skills that are driven by creativity and connection. Creativity and connection are foundational to business. These skills are nourished with time, space, and the capacity to focus our attention on them. Creativity is at the core for all decision making, strategy development and problem solving. Connection is at the core of empathy and authentic leadership. So how do we focus on these in a fast-paced, highly competitive world?

We drop the busy, and let the sun in.

We begin to apply supportive strategies and tools directly in our work worlds. We become an active player in shifting how we engage with our work. It’s this shift in our work approach – which in turn shifts our work outcomes. It’s a win-win for us and our work environments.

Collectively, we need to shift outdated mindsets and belief patterns that tell us we need to do more, have more, or be more in order to succeed. Instead, we need to dive deep within and find stronger and more sustainable patterns for ourselves. Patterns that mutually honor our needs and those around us through healthy work boundaries. We embrace the pause. We drop the busy. This allows for a different choice, a different action, a reframe or perhaps simply a much needed rest for our bodies. This is our sun. And if we allow it, it will thaw us like the earth in spring, and warm us to the core.

Mindset Matters: Tips to Let the Sun In

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