Support in Times of Transition

I was discussing recently with a client, that the start of 2021 feels a bit like “April in Alaska”. We can finally feel the warmth of the sun on our cheeks, and the grass is seen peeking out beyond the bottom of spruce trees. Iced walkways and slippery roads have finally departed and the earthy smell of soil is here again. While we enjoy the warmth, April also brings with it the slush and wet and “ick” of the season. Cars and trucks are covered in a perpetual state of sludge – and we are equally aware that at any moment we may get another snowfall.

It’s a time of transition.

I once had a teacher who shared with me that transition is where the magic arises. It’s where the strength and foundation for the next move come from. When the transition is strong – the next footing will be solid. Firm. The transition is where the opportunity lies.

How are you managing whatever transition you find yourself in? What hopes, intents and goals do you have for your next move? Below are some of my favorite approaches and questions for handling the big and small Transitions that arise in life. May they prove useful.

Transitions – Supportive Step

  1. Use Intents Instead of Goals: Intents are more flexible and lend themselves well to transitions. A goal is tangible and results-oriented. Goals provide structure for our intentions. An intent is a bit looser. It needs to be – for it needs room to breathe. Intentions are designed to allow for flow and are made to adapt at the moment. The Intent is what steers us in the direction we are going. Our goals provide us with landmarks along the way. In times of change, unknown, and difficulty – focusing more on our Intent can ease the stress associated with “goal/outcome” based scenarios. Strong intentions allow for flexibility. They release the attachment to the outcome, while still allowing for consistent movement towards our goals.
    • Consider: What is your intent for this transition? Imagine for a moment that you are already through this transition – you have already arrived at your end goal – looking back, how would you have wanted to be, act and feel during this time of transition? What level of energy will sustain you during this transition? If you focus fully on your actions during the transition stage instead of focusing on the end goal – how might that change the outcome?
  1. Focus on the Transition – Not the Outcome: Stay present. Focus on the now. When we tend to our Now the future arises from that. So what are you working on now? Where are you spending your time now? What priorities are you attending to now? These will shape your future. Are you feeling balanced or imbalanced right now? Are you creating space and time for strategy, or are you caught in the tactile bit, the hustle and bustle? Where and what do you need to focus on right now?
  1. Check-In Regularly & Create More Space: Space is needed to adapt. We need “room to maneuver”. Space and time are vital during times of transition. Not only do we need time to digest the past, but we also need to make room for new opportunities arising in the future. This requires space. Space. Time. Breath. Things change quickly in times of transition. “Self Check-ins” and “Reflection Sessions” (meetings with time and space to reflect, plan, strategize and adapt) can be really helpful to support our needs and our team’s needs. We support this by creating space and room in our calendars that allows us to easily adapt so that we can flow and quickly change course if needed. We consciously cultivate space and room to accommodate for the unknown. Cultivating a bit more “flex-time” and “space” in our days is an asset that proves beneficial to leaders and teams during transition times.

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