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SERVICES Focus. Resilience. Results. At The Integration Group, we transform the way leaders and teams approach stress, focus, and performance. Our services are designed for organizations seeking lasting, high-impact solutions—enhancing communication, decision-making, and results. By focusing on the root causes of workplace challenges, we help organizations turn stress into strategic action, unleashing performance, creativity and… Continue reading Services


I started The Integration Group to give you what I was searching for in my career: a way to make work-life sustainable and successful. Early in my career, I struggled to see and treat myself as an equal priority to the actual work I was doing. I’ve learned that no matter how respected or successful… Continue reading Blog


OUR LATEST TIPS & INSIGHTS Subscribe to Quick Tips – our free monthly mailing. It’s geared towards supporting you with quick and easy tools that strengthen and promote self-care, boundaries and resilience in the workplace. And don’t worry – we hate spam too. We send one email a month and our read rates are excellent.… Continue reading Resources


Reduce Stress.      Drive Outcomes. When we nourish and sustain ourselves, We nourish and sustain the businesses we run. -Woodrie Burich Founder & Award Winning Executive Coach WE WORK WITH CLIENTS TO WHY US We’ve worked with Fortune 500 and global clientele on multi-million dollar projects and multi-billion-dollar merger and acquisition work. We come… Continue reading Home

Listening and Learning

Collectively, we have been through much the past few months. These past few weeks have been particularly heartbreaking, challenging, and difficult to witness. The causes and reflection of our collective pain is rising, especially pain experienced by people of color. I’ve been reflecting lately on trauma. Individual and collective. Mine. Hers. His. Ours. Anyone who… Continue reading Listening and Learning

How to Work in Unstable Times

We are in a moment of unknown. This applies to our immediate families, close communities, the wider community, our neighbors and world. It can be difficult to focus and stay steady at such times.  Our minds may be racing with scattered thoughts, concerns and fears, or we may feel frustration or annoyance at the unexpected… Continue reading How to Work in Unstable Times

Don’t Be Rushed

It can be challenging at times – juggling work and life. Our Team met over coffee and tea last week at Steam Dot and we laughed about our own challenges in cultivating balance. We discussed our efforts and how we connect to full and meaningful use our time. The Integration Group brainstorms often on how to better… Continue reading Don’t Be Rushed

Resilience at Work Reminders for Good Management (and Parenting)

The front of my refrigerator is a well-loved canvas. Crayon colored pictures cover nearly every bit of silver to be found – no doubt, a common scene for parents everywhere. However, in the upper left-hand corner, it holds a drawing of my own. It’s a simple picture of a house, family, and two words written… Continue reading Resilience at Work Reminders for Good Management (and Parenting)

Crossroads – Lessons in Boundaries: When to Push and When To Pull Back

Crossroads. Careers have these critical moments – when we need to decide on a course of action that will have a greater impact on us than normal. Usually, these moments feel important, and may even cause angst or stress. These times tend to feel a bit heavier than normal and may have a particular depth… Continue reading Crossroads – Lessons in Boundaries: When to Push and When To Pull Back